Saturday 10 September 2016

The top 3 bad vacation destinations

Of course vacationers never plan for this to happen, but it can happen anyways for reasons beyond their control. Sometimes, the vacation you saw in the package turned out to be far less than what your expecations were. The hotel had roaches and dirty sheets, the beach was closed for the season, and the attractions you were told existed turned out to be tourist traps. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prevent your trip from turning into a disaster. 1. America Pollution alone is stamping out many of America's top locations. Children and elderly people especially are suffering even from mild cases of exposure. Although there is no escaping air pollution in most of the United States, you can at least avoid the vacation destinations that have the highest ozone smog in the U. S. - Cape Cod National Sea Shore, Boston, Maines Acadia National Park, Philadelphia, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Marylands Eastern Shore, Washington D. C., Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indianapolis, and Lake Michagan. 2. Expect A Long Wait Even once you arrive, there are usually long check-in wait times that of course weren't advertised in the brochure. By the time you actually get to the front of the line, the hotel room you reserved may have been given away to another customer. Some of the appliances in the hotel may be defective, or downright unclean. That gorgeous looking pool is nothing short of overcrowded, and there are no changing rooms. If you can, call in advance and get your questions answered. 3. New Orleans, Louisiana Even before the terrible tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans has been one of the worst spots to vacation in the country. 4. Iraq As beautiful as Iraq's sprawling desert and urban street life can be, it is, after all, a war torn, unrestful country. The accommodations you might expect there will likely be worse than your own home. Of course, to the locals there you might be getting it pretty good. In any case, stay away from travel offers that sound too good to be true. 5. Kenya Unless you are going on a lion-hunting safari, it is common knowledge not to take a stroll through Kenya. The water is undrinkable and youll be hard pressed to find any sort of accomodation. Worse, there are leeches abound in the water systems making swimming unthinkable. Disease and famine runs rampant through the eastern portions of the region. 6. Do Your Homework In a nutshell make sure that you know the total cost, including taxes, service fees, surcharges, port charges; including the terms and conditions, restrictions and cancellation penalties. Be cautious of companies that require you to wait 60 days to take your trip or require you to select various dates of departure. Sales people that apply even small amounts of pressure to your decision making process should be walked away from.

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