Saturday 24 September 2016

A sure fire formula for getting your prospects to read every word of your email message

If you get this lesson right, then you’ll be able to get folks hanging on your every word like monkeys hang on trees. :o) And, if you can follow these simple instructions, you’ll get it right quicker than you can say “Pass me a banana.” It's one thing to get your prospects to OPEN your email and actually take a look at it. But, what happens when they open it? Today, I’m going to show you how to make sure they read every word of it. You’d like to learn how to get them to do that, wouldn’t you? :o) Good. There are only two simple things you’ve got to do… 1. Create an "I've gotta take a closer look" opening sentence. Did you notice the opening sentence of this lesson? What happened? I got your attention. Here’s why. I got your attention firstly because I made you a promise that appeals to you. You want folks to hang on your every word as they read your emails. How do I know you want this? If you've already read the title and started reading the article, so I know what you're interested in. I pushed a button that I know will get your attention. Nothing fancy or magical. I just tapped into something that you already have a desire for. And, secondly, it got your attention because that promise hinges on YOU. Now, you’re INVOLVED. You’re involved because I’ve already told you that it’s up to you. You control the outcome here. It’s not based on a roll of the dice or the luck of the draw… Results are up to YOU getting this lesson right. First things first, you want to get their attention immediately. Use that first sentence wisely. Fire your big guns. It is THE MOST POWERFUL and INFLUENTIAL part of your entire email message. If it doesn’t produce results, folks just won’t read any further. Let them know from the get go that something important is awaiting them in the email. Give them a reason to read on. And then… 2. Create short paragraphs that continue to lead the reader along. In the opening sentence I gave you something to get your attention. I focused you in on a result, an outcome, something you can control. And then, later, I asked a question to refocus you… “You’d like to learn how to get them to do that, wouldn’t you? :o)” And how did I follow that up? By saying… “Good. There are only two simple things you’ve got to do…" At this point I’ve already let you know that YOU can expect results if you do something right in this lesson. You’re ready to go. And then a bit later I let you know that it’s only going to require two simple things. Do I have any doubt in my mind that you’ll read on to find out what those two things are? Nope. I don’t care who you are, if you read up to that point, you’ll keep reading. You want to know what those two simple things are. And now you’ve found out in steps one and two above. But, there’s even more for you to learn. See, I did it again. I refocused you. I grabbed your attention again. “There’s even more for you to learn.” The key is to constantly regrab the attention. Don’t let it get boring. Don’t let it go stale. Do you watch boring movies… or do you like exciting ones that leave you begging for more? Consider your email as a movie. And you’re the director. Keep me on the edge of my seat. And, when you do that, you’ll have your leads reading every word of your email message, from start to finish. Kind of like how you just read every word of this message.

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