Monday 26 September 2016

Hoodia gordonii the weight loss herb

Hoodia Gordonii was introduced to the United States in 2004 as a weight loss herb. It has been around for thousands of years and has been used by the San people in South Africa for its ability to be an appetite suppressant while hunting. The Hoodia Gordonii plant looks like a cactus but is really a succulent that grows in the high areas of the Kalahari Desert. It is the weight loss herb for anyone looking to diet without hunger. Hoodia Gordonii is not a drug, it is an herb. It is a completely natural and safe herbal diet pill for weight loss that will not cause any stimulation. There are many pharmaceutical firms that are trying to make a synthesized version of the Hoodia Gordonii plant, in order to patent it. But from all the research that has been done you must consume the plant or powder causal to achieve the weight loss you desire. Since this weight loss herb has become so lucrative people are digging up anything that looks like Hoodia. Because of the high demand for Hoodia Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa have placed this herb on the Endangered Species list. This enables them to control the harvesting and exportation of Hoodia Gordonii. To be sure you are purchasing only natural Hoodia, check if the company has two things that will guarantee it. First make sure they have a C&A, which is a Certificate of Analysis. This tells you that the substance has been analyzed and it is pure Hoodia Gordonii. The next piece of information you want to have about this herb is if the company has a CITES certificate, it is the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of the Worlds Fauna and Wildlife. The second line on the certificate will say "valid until (date)", make sure it is still valid. These two pieces of documentation let you know that you are buying real Hoodia Gordonii. While there are several species of Hoodia, only Hoodia Gordonii is the herb with the appetite suppressant. Hoodia Gordonii has a molecule that acts much like glucose on the nerve cells. It is an herb that tricks the brain into feeling full. In some trials it has reduced the appetite by hundreds of calories each day. The Hoodia molecule has been found to contain 10,000 times the molecule as glucose. The molecule goes to the hypothalamus in mid brain and fires the cells that signal your brain that you have had enough. This herb actually takes away your desire to eat. Some of the qualities of Hoodia Gordonii are, losing an interest in food, longer periods of time before hunger returns, quickly feeling full, and a general over all good feeling. Plus the herbs added benefit is that there are no side effects. There have been some people that say that their Hoodia Gordonii supplement works right away. Others have reported that it takes a two week regime of regularly using the herb for the appetite suppression to begin. Hoodia Gordonii is not a miracle cure for obesity; I would be lying to say that. It will suppress your appetite, but use a little common sense. You should exercise, since it has been proven that diet and exercise go hand in hand. You should drink plenty of water to flush the fat and toxins from your body. Eating healthy will make your weight reduction much easier. Those items along with the weight loss herb Hoodia Gordonii will get you to your goal of a healthier lifestyle. Here's to success with the weight loss herb Hoodia Gordonii. For more information on Hoodia Gordonii visit my Gardening Herb website. For more information on a new product Zylene that contains authentic Hoodia visit nutrition4adults website. Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

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