Friday 30 September 2016

Postcards the best kept secret of modern marketing

What can be more effective than a brief, captivating message printed on a postcard? It's quick and easy to read at a glance. Yeah, it has a friendly feel that appeals to the emotional side of your potential customer as well. Sure they'll realize it's an advertisement right away, but it has the appearance of a personalized friendly correspondence that is pleasant and low pressure. No, you won't close any deals with a postcard, but you can quickly and effectively state the offer and its advantages and give them a compelling reason to get in contact with you. Yep, it'll be just enough to whet their appetite for more! People Can't Resist Reading Postcards How often do you get the mail, look at the name of the addressee and pitch the envelope and its contents directly into the trash? I do it everyday. Yeah, who needs more mail to sort through with all of the junk mail that fills our mailboxes and inboxes? What about postcards? envelope to hide the contents...just the flip of a small piece of paper...and yep, you've read it! It just makes good horse sense that the advertisements that get read are going to bring more response than those that don't. Yeah, no rocket science involved here! Postcards are much more likely to get read than other mail or email...the curiosity factor combined with the ease of reading, work together to make these extremely effective marketing tools. Postcards Save You Money Add 4 to 9 cents in printing costs, and 23 cent postage... and yeah, postcards are extremely inexpensive advertisements! Think friendly...which provides a more personal feeling...the little bars and lines of prepaid postage, or the colorful design of a stamp. Yeah, you can invest a little extra time in placing stamps on each card and create a personalized affect that won't go unnoticed! Watch out for cheap immitations! Modern postcards are high impact creations. We're not talking about old-fashioned... home printed... uneven edged catastrophies here. The postcards of today have tones so vivid they jump off the paper at you, and pictures so realistic you could pick the flower of the page and put on your kitchen table. For the miniscule amount of money you MIGHT save... if you don't make too many mistakes along the way...heck, I say just order them! Yeah, let the printer do all the hard work while you rake in the profits they'll bring in

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