Tuesday 13 September 2016

The only way to sell a product

As a internet marketer most of us have a lot of products we sell on the internet. We use the best copyright on our sales letters and put all our ducks in a row right down to getting the visitors to our page to buy. We think we have thought everything out to the last nut and bolt, but have we really?...What about the product itself. Is there a demand for the product?...Is the market saturated with the product?..Is there special group of people who want this product that will benefit?...and where are they? Any good marketer who is out to make money should know the answers to these questions before you even consider investing time and money into the promoting the product...Unless you like losing money! Getting a product ready to sell is the easy part. If I had a dollar for every product sales letter I had with a marketing campaign in mind I would be a millionaire without even batting an eye . The fact is that the final, most important goal a marketer has, is to get people to buy the product. Before you start your niche, nurture the idea and know who wants your product...How do you do that you say? Simple as pie...just ask! Start a survey, run a poll, check in forums or where people group that need this product. Forums is really a good way to find out what people want and will solve there problems. Start by finding a forum related to your niche, read previous posts, then bring up the topic of your product without trying to sell to the forum members, to see what response you get and try to keep the topic alive. One way to get positive feedback is to offer people something to try for free. Say you have an information ebook you could offer members a free report, sample or even the entire ebook to see what they think of the product. The feedback you get will benefit you and tell you whether your product is something people are interested in and let you know of thing that may need to be added or modified to make it saleable. If your getting positive response you can assume you have a product that will sell....Then and only then should you create a terrific sales letter, marketing campaign and invest your hard earned money and time. Keep in mind that just because you think you have a great product it is the people that have the final say and are the ones that will buy your product....So ask and listen before putting the cart before the horse and you might just profit!

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