Tuesday 30 August 2016

How to make your own play dough

In this article are two recipes you can use to make play dough for your kids. Play dough is so much fun and relatively inexpensive if you make it yourself. Once you get the hang of you, you might even be able to teach your children how to make it. Recipe Number One This recipe is made in the microwave, which means you can make it quickly for those occasions when you need to keep a houseful of kids occupied fast. Microwave Play Dough 2 cups flour 1 cup salt 4 Tbs oil 2 cups water 4 tsp cream of tartar Food coloring Mix all ingredients in Rock N Server Large Deep. This is a Tupperware container. If you don’t have it, use a microwave containers that is deep. Microwave on high for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring every minute. Cook until mixture gets so thick it can’t be stirred. Let mixture cool. Divide and knead in food color. Store in an airtight container. Now I am a Tupperware consultant, so naturally I believe that Tupperware is the best type of container to store your play dough in, but you are the ultimate judge of that. Now, if you would prefer not to use your microwave, here is a recipe for making playdough on your stove. Stovetop Playdough Recipe 1 cup flour Ѕ cup salt 1 cup water 3 dessert spoons of cooking oil 2 tsp cream of tartar Food coloring Mix all ingredients together. Add a few drops of food coloring. Keep mixing ingredients until all lumps have been blended. Put the mix in a saucepan and cook it very slowly over medium heat. Keep stirring. When the dough start to come away from the side of the pan, remove it from the heat. You can add scents to the playdough by using vanilla or peppermint essence. Buying playdough at the store can be expensive. Why not try making your own using one of both of the above recipes. You can have fun making and your kids can have some fun playing with it.

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