Sunday 2 October 2016

Online stock swing or stay the day

Perhaps one the best perks to being an online trader is the convenience of being able to buy or sell with just the click of a mouse. The more the traders get educated they can decide if the want to swing trade or day trade. It seems that the main issue they are up against is timeframe. They need to decide if they like the longer term investing or the rapid fire trades. The day traders are groomed to do the instant desperation or the instant gratification which depends on the outcome of the transaction. The day trader can move around and watch different stocks in the same industry so he can take advantage of sudden swings in the market for profits. By using the technique you eliminate your exposure from holds. This can be a tiring task as you have to sit in front of your computer for hours on end. If you do frequent trading you run the risk of stacking up large bills for your trading fees. So it goes without says that for day traders, trading fast also means to trade smart. When a day trader has to leave the comfort of his or her computer you can be sure that they are still connected via cell phone or some other mobile device as they can get updates wired directly to them. Day traders are much like hunters in a sense much like the thrill of the hunt. They are driven by the rush of the excitement just as much as the profits from beating the other traders out on a winning score. The swing trader has it a bit different. They look for cycles and they always hope that they are in the right one to get the most profits. The swing traders use technical analysis when making their trading decisions. They may even use such things as options and the future. They increase their risks when they wait for the right moment. Part of their strategy is to wait out the fluctuations rather then move on the trends. They also do not have to pay as much in fees as they trade less often. There is also the long term swing strategy. This type of trader depends on the information that they get from the indexes coupled with the fundamental and technical analysis to make their trading decisions. The longer the time span is of weeks or even months can help the long term swing trader in giving him or her some protection against the quirks or blips in the market day which usually are not real trends. There are just some stocks that need time to level out, which the day traders may miss. The thing that the swing traders miss out on is the fast break day trading style. This can be recovered with some patience and perseverance. When the long term swing traders wins it is usually a big win which make it all worth while. When you go from the day trading to the swing trading it can be like cutting teeth. It moves slowly at first but it gives the trader time to learn the ropes and they can become an expert in one or more industries. The new long term swing traders can take the slower pace which is preferred as they have a chance to make good profits from the online trading.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Graceful chaos

: I was recently stuck on a curb in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (everyone there still calls it Saigon). My objective, a restaurant where my husband and my lunch awaited me, stood on the opposite side of the street. I could see the food, smell it and, if you know me, you'll realize I had built up quite an appetite.Stranded in the ChaosThe only barrier between me and my lunch was crossing the street. Now, this sounds like a simple task, but at noon in Saigon my objective might as well have been the far side of the moon. The road was crammed with motor scooters (called "motos"), bicycles, motorcycles, cyclos (pedaled rickshaws), cars, trucks and buses. The fewer wheels a contraption had, the more passengers it seemed to carry. I saw a family of 5 riding a Honda scooter — sans helmets, of course.Even the center lines contributed to the confusion.

Rather than dividing the traffic into two lanes, each moving in opposite directions, in Saigon the yellow markers apparently serve only to indicate that you are on a paved road. People passed, stopped, turned around and crisscrossed the center lines with utter abandon.Traffic flowed both ways in the same lane, more traffic merged from the side streets, and people pushed their motos off the curbs into the flow at odd angles. At any given moment traffic bore down on me from as many as 6-8 directions, front, back, sides and all angles — everywhere, it seemed, except from above.

To me it was a scene of incredible chaos with no order.The traffic lights compounded my problem. In Saigon they serve only an advisory purpose. Even when the light turned red, traffic continued to flow, as drivers blatantly ignored the red light!

The lanes of traffic impatiently waiting at the green light would edge forward into the traffic that was ignoring the red light. At some point traffic trying to move with the green light would build up enough momentum (and vehicles) to stop the traffic running the red light. Traffic would then flow correctly until the light changed, and the whole process started again.Dancing through the ChaosUnder this onslaught the flashing green "walk" sign over the crosswalk taunted me from the far side of the street. I was ready to look for something to eat (and a place to sit) on my side of the street when an older Vietnamese gentleman took my arm.In English he kindly said, "Crossing the street is not a problem, but a dance.

" With that we stepped off the curb and entered the maelstrom together.My heart pounded as we walked slowly across the street. Instead of greeting us with blaring horns, irate shouts and screeching brakes, the drivers saw us and adjusted to us. As long as we made no sudden movements (like diving for the curb or running screaming from the street), we were fine. I felt like we were swimming through a school of fish. The tempest flowed smoothly around us, and before I knew it we were across.

I thanked my benefactor and went on to lunch. Later that day I taught the same technique to my husband and friends — at one point crossing a busy boulevard with an entourage of 8 people strung out like a Broadway chorus line.Later I thought about how the traffic in Saigon is a metaphor for business. There is a sort of graceful chaos, everyone going in their own direction, some traveling with traffic, some across it and some against it. Buses and trucks barrel through the streets, stopping for no one. Certainly collisions and accidents happen — but for the most part the system works.

People reach their destinations and life goes on. And the best way to survive is not to struggle against the flow, but to approach it like a dance.Invitation to the DanceDo you dance through your own life, career and business and the surrounding chaos? Or do you struggle against it, exhausting yourself, causing collisions with others and keeping yourself from reaching your chosen destination?

On any given day, each of us must adapt to life and pass through it gracefully. Occasionally things are going well, then out of the blue a big truck bears down on us, forcing us to stop or change directions. How we deal with such routine chaos determines whether we prosper or fail.In my own office I have 17 employees, each traveling in different directions but all basically headed for the same destination. I cannot interfere with their travels but must move gracefully through them.

In my business, students, vendors, other businesses, obstacles and competitors often appear in the road in front of me. I have many choices: collide with them head on, turn down a side street, take a detour, avoid them altogether or simply flow with them. How well I adjust my dance to this chaos controls my future success.In the turmoil of your own business each choice you make affects your outcome. You can adjust to the chaos and deal with it gracefully, or you can allow it to stop you or force you into costly detours. The choices are yours.

In Saigon I chose to cross the street thanks to my new-found guide and enjoyed the reward of a wonderful lunch. Then I plunged back into the chaos, now wise enough to guide others on the journey. Every day in my business I face the traffic, dance with it to the best of my ability and hope to enjoy continued success. You can do the same thing if you cultivate the grace to flow with chaos.

Collection agencies and credit card debt

Though you’re in debt at this time, if you dig down deep and decide to fight for your financial freedom back, you can surely find a solution. Credit repair becomes a necessity in some of our lives at times since we do not always have great debt management skills going into adulthood. The creditors that have lent us money are doing so in good faith and under the assumption that they will be paid back, and paid back on time. However, these are people too and what they really want is their money back, and so on that note are usually willing to extend the amount of time for you to pay them back, instead of dealing with all of the inconveniences of reporting you and such. Not only that but they’re also hoping that you’ll be a returning customer too. The lenders are often thought of as the enemy but the real vicious ones are the collection agencies that get handed your files when you do not pay or contact the lender to let them know that you do plan to pay. These collection agencies will stoop to all new lows just to find you, even if it means breaking the law to get to you. The reason being that they’re paid a commission for every debt that the recover. Your best defense, or offense I should say is to get ahead of the game. This is the ultimate weapon against the collection agencies, the same people who could really care less about you, whether it’s intimidating you to give them your last dollar that will feed your kids, or from dropping dead from a heart attack because of the stress. So, getting your credit card debt, and other loan balances paid off before they have a chance to get to you, is the offense of choice. You’ll want to contact each creditor, let them know that you’re having some problems, but that you’re setting up a budget in order to pay them. This same budget that you truly are creating is what’s going to help you break through all of your debt. After setting up your budget plan, you then want to check out the balances in your checking and savings accounts, and note how much money you have in each. If managing money is not your strongest point, you can actually open an account at Paypal, which will then give you a chance to get a debit card. This will help you if you want to make purchases that you couldn’t make without a credit card, such as renting a car. Also, you can also get back money for using the card, so paying your bills with the debit card, which is directly connected to your bank account anyways, can earn you up to 1% of your money back. May not seem like a lot but it adds up rather quickly. There are many available resources to you if you’re still having trouble with your debt. The resources that don’t add on to your existing debts are the best ones to go with when in your situation. There are even government loans and grants to those who have a low income, and are in trouble with their credit. You also have debt consolidation, and bankruptcy options to choose from if things turn extremely grim. Be careful and responsible in all of your choices.

Warning signs of poor home business strategies

Copyright 2006 eliasg Every day, countless individuals sign on with various home business strategies looking for a way to find personal freedom and financial independence. Some make wise decisions that lead to a lifetime of prosperity. Too many, however, embrace flawed models that create nothing but disappointment. There are so many home business strategies available, that it is almost impossible to keep track of them. New plans are introduced every day and the business of creating and promoting work at home plans is becoming its own massive industry. That means there are more great options available to those who want to escape the nine to five grind, but it also means there are more scams and dead ends than ever before. Spotting potential weaknesses of home business strategies allows one to cut their losses in a hurry and to seek out a more lucrative opportunity. Understanding some of the warning signs associated with poor home business strategies can prevent wasted effort and involvement altogether. Here are three characteristics often associated with the kind of home business plan that leads to more frustration than profit: First, if you don’t have immediately accessible and truly helpful back-up support, you might be in the middle of a quickly developing disaster. If the opportunity’s support system is simply calling someone in your “upline” who will direct you to spend more and more on motivational products or advertising, that’s just as bad as having no help at all. If the home business opportunity makes you “do it alone,” think twice about participation. If you are already “in,” think hard about getting “out!” Second, if part of the opportunity’s plan involves pitching a product or service to family and friends, you might want to look at it with a skeptical eye. Often, home businesses that focus on “signing up” others are often among the most problematic home businesses. Not all such plans are dead-ends, but enough of them are to justify careful examination. Third, if you sense organization problems with any home business plan, you should see it as a red flag. Waiting for commission checks or not receiving information on schedule can be a definite sign that things are not as solid as you need them to be. Make sure to align yourself with a plan that is solidly structured and well backed. It can be tough to avoid the rotten apples that seem to be multiplying in the work at home barrel, but it is possible to make a wise program decision by exercising an appropriate level of caution. Looking out for problems like the ones mentioned here is a great way of increasing the odds of your own home business success.

Finding the right printer

To produce thousands of copies of a fifteen page brochure at a rate of one page per minute with men working 24 hours a day would perhaps take over a week. But to produce the same quantity of brochures using your desktop printer would take over a decade! Clearly, desktop printing is not really an option in terms of cost, quality and speed. Hence, when you need large volumes of brochure or catalogs to be printed, it is perhaps a good idea to let the professional handle the job for you. There are, however, several things you need to consider in choosing the commercial printer for your particular print job. Perhaps one of the things you need to consider is the kind of printing process used by the printer. Do they use offset printing or maybe digital technology? Is letterpress and screen printing also available? After you have decided on which printing process to use, you now have to determine which printer has the right equipment. Find out the number of colors they can handle, how long they can do the print job and what other equipment and services do they offer. Also, find out what kind of print job each printer specializes and what types of binding and folding equipments they use. But aside from determining which kind of printing method and printing equipment is appropriate for you, it is also essential to know what kind of workers will work with the print job. Understand that although the printing company has the right equipment and printing technique it does not mean that the equipments and facilities will make great print jobs. Look for samples of work of these printers and focus more on their printing technique not merely on their design process. Also, look for clean colors, smooth text and focused images and graphics. It is also a good idea to visit the printer to get a good feel of who you will be working with. And when you meet them face to face, ask them what you want to know about their service. You can ask questions such as how many presses they have and what are the capabilities of each; how long they have been in the business; what software they accepts and what kind of payment they receive. You can also ask their previous customers for feedbacks to know if they are able to meet their customer’s printing needs. It is essential to know this information ahead of time so you would not regret your choice later on. When you are able to find the right commercial printer, they will be able to make your printing job look great.

Artwork for label printing

If you are just getting involved with label printing or are considering outsourcing your label printing needs to a professional, you have probably already encountered a few industry-specific terms with which you may not be entirely familiar. One such term is “artwork.” Artwork is completely unrelated to your favorite museum pieces and does not necessarily refer to “graphical” elements, either. Let us look at what artwork for label printing is all about. In the simplest of terms, artwork refers to the layout of a label’s design. That includes factors such as the actual words used (referred to as the “copy”) and any images that might be involved in the design, as well. In essence, the artwork for label printing is the complete “look” of the label, including all of its components. Artwork is finalized prior to the label printing company’s creation of printing plates or negatives. Depending upon the label printing company with whom you work, artwork may be your responsibility, their responsibility, or a joint effort. In all cases, the label printing firm should provide you with samples, or mock-ups, of your labels before turning the artwork into a final product. Label printing experts often employee design specialists to help with artwork. In some cases, they will actually create the label’s artwork after a discussion with the client and then submit it to the buyer for approval. In other situations, a bare-bones label printing team may require you to provide finished artwork. Understanding the vocabulary of label printing is an important way to make sure you get what you want from the printer. Artwork, which refers to the collective whole of your future label, is an expression with which you will need to be familiar.

Seasonal makeup tips

This is a continuation of the article "Makeup Tips According To The Seasons". Although this can be read separately, it is best to read the previous article first before reading this one. Here are some tips on how to put on eye shadows. Apply first to the under brow a highlighter color like a light neutral color. Apply from the brow to the lid. Examples of highlighter colors to be used on the under brow were pale taupe or gray. Next, apply a second color to the orbital bone like a dark or medium neutral. These colors can be brought halfway to the lid. Examples of colors to be used on the orbital bone were smoked plum, gray, or smoked navy. Apply a third color to the lid. These colors could be the same color as your eyes or a complimentary neutral. Examples of colors to be used on the lid were mushroom, taupe, mauve, cocoa, plum, grayed brown, smoked mauve, or navy. When it came to picking a mascara only people categorized as "winters", with extremely dark eyes, were to wear black. Other "winters" would wear brown-black or brown according to the depth of their coloring. If eyeliner was used, a person was to use only a touch of crayon on the outer third of the upper lid. People categorized as "winters" were given guidelines when it came to hair coloring. "Winters" were to never to frost their hair, bleach their hair, or add red. If they used henna on their hair, it was to be natural or black. Hair colors they could dye their hair with were ash brown or blue-black. Suggestions were given on what "winters" could wear when it came to their clothes. "Winters" were to start their basic wardrobe with neutral and basic colors. White, black, navy and taupe were the neutral colors that could be used for skirts, pants, shoes and handbags. Burgundy, blue-red, true red, true blue, true green, emerald green and pine green were the basic colors that could be used for coats, suits, blazers and basic dresses. Accessories for "winters" were to be silver, platinum, or white gold. "Winters" were to pick perfumes and/or colognes with spicy scents. "Winters" were also given guidelines on which seasons to wear their colored clothes especially for them. For example, when it came to wintertime, "winters" were to wear black jackets, gray skirts, black pants, red dresses and magenta sweaters. Colors for casual blouses could be icy gray, purple, white paisley and black paisley. When it came to a dressy blouse, it was to be white. When it came to a cocktail dress, pants, or skirt; it was to be black. Casual pants and skirts were to be navy. A causal top was to be red. Shoes were to be to be black, navy and burgundy. A regular coat was to be black and a trench coat was to be taupe. An evening wrap could be emerald green and made of velvet. When it came to summertime, "winters" were to wear white jackets and skirts. The color for pants were to be navy and the color for dresses were to be true green. For a dressy blouse, the color was to be purple. A summer sweater was to be a navy knit. Colors for a casual blouse could be a true red, navy and white stripe. When it came to a cocktail dress, pants, or skirt; it was to be white. Casual pants and skirts were to be were to be white as well. A casual top was to be shocking pink. Shoes were to be white, black and taupe. If summer outerwear is needed, it was to be an icy gray trench coat and a white shawl.